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Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results
21 Oct 2022
Hannah Webster Riley Thorold James Morrison Jamie Cooke Al Mathers
Read the findings and recommendations of our report on the mental health benefits of a universal basic income for young people.
28 Jul 2022
Hannah Webster Riley Thorold James Morrison
New research from the RSA, in partnership Northumbria University, explores the possible benefits of a universal basic income in the UK.
07 Feb 2022
Jake Jooshandeh Hannah Webster James Morrison
This research seeks to understand how social housing residents experience economic security and how technological changes to workplaces might impact their futures.
12 Jan 2022
Fran Landreth Strong Hannah Webster
This report uncovers a worrying level of financial precarity among young people today and explores how we can better protect young people's economic security.
22 Oct 2021
Hannah Webster James Morrison
In this briefing we identify six recommendations for national government and local systems to support people living with multiple long-term conditions.
24 Sep 2021
Jake Jooshandeh
This report puts forward a comprehensive agenda to tackle economic insecurity in key workers and ensure they are properly supported to enjoy secure, healthy, fulfilling lives.
10 Oct 2019
This report describes how a unique partnership between the RSA, Alt/Now and the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and the Mastercard Impact Fund took on the challenge of exploring the action needed to combat economic insecurity in the future of work.
15 Aug 2019
There is growing evidence that British workers are economically insecure. This paper aims to deepen understanding of how economic insecurity is experienced by workers, including those in non-standard employment arrangements.
25 Jan 2018
Our seven portraits of modern work reveal, problems with economic security and the quality of work are pervasive across the labour market.
11 Jan 2018
Economic insecurity is a political, economic and societal challenge that public policy must understand and address.
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