Interventions - RSA


Design for Life Interventions

To help us achieve our Design for Life mission, we have developed a series of mission-led interventions.

These will:

  • Unlock the confidence, capabilities and connections of children, learners and entrepreneurs of all ages.
  • Innovate across organisations, communities, industries and regions to achieve regenerative impact.
  • Develop and influence the supporting conditions that people, communities and organisations need to drive regenerative change in the long term.

How are we achieving this?

Capabilities for Life Framework

Exploring and cultivating the capabilities required to ensure business aims and practices contribute towards a regenerative economy.

Digital Badging

Championing digital badging as a recognised learning hallmark for informal learners of all walks of life, especially for the skills needed for a regenerative economy.

Innovation Corridors

Local plans can be super-charged if pursued pan-regionally through ‘Innovation Corridors’ – the connection of places through shared strategies, institutions and initiatives.

Local Prosperity Plans

Local Prosperity Plans are single, long-term, integrated strategic plans which, uniquely, deliver economic, social and environmental prosperity in a single package.

Playful Green Planet

Co-creating nature-based urban learning spaces and activities for 3-5-year-olds to foster nature and community connectedness and care through creativity.

Regions of Learning

For post-16 learners who have not thrived in traditional settings, our Regions of Learning programme tackles head-on the challenges of economic inactivity, unemployment and skills shortages.

RSA Spark

RSA Spark inspires real-world experiences for learners and entrepreneurs to create, connect, grow and make a difference. We help everyone anywhere find their creativity, igniting ideas into positive action.

Social Connections

Our social connections work will oversee a step-change in encouraging approaches and practices that value and commit to stewarding social capital.

Explore our Design for Life areas of focus

  • Capabilities for Life

    Design for Life supports people to learn and lead. We're unlocking the confidence, capabilities and connections of children, learners and entrepreneurs of all ages.

  • Prosperous Places

    Prosperous Places are programmes that respond to the unique ambitions and challenges of places. Everyone deserves to live in a vibrant community, with opportunities to thrive in a flourishing natural environment.

  • Social Infrastructure

    Design for Life develops and influences infrastructure at a system-wide level that people, communities and organisations need to drive regenerative change.

Design for Life

Discover more about our mission.