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16 Dec 2018
Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor on the Government's response to the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices.
14 Dec 2018
Josie Warden
The issue, and the ability to act, can feel far removed from our lives. What would it look like for us all to take ownership of climate change?
Clare Harman Clark Stephanie Creed
Technologies like proptech promise to change the way buildings interact with their occupiers. But how could this be done ethically and what are the legal implications?
Kayshani Gibbon
We currently use 1.7 planets worth of resources a year and must recognise that indefinite growth is off the cards if we are to keep within earth’s ecological capacity to sustain us.
13 Dec 2018
Mairi Ryan James Shield
Here are some of our recommended RSA sounds of 2018 – enlightened thinking for what can often feel like dark times.
12 Dec 2018
Graham Henderson FRSA
"In resisting extremism, intolerance and xenophobia, the arts are one of our most important sources of integrity, authenticity, and truth."
11 Dec 2018
Nick Ellerby
Inspired conversations enable us to go beyond outmoded mindsets and approaches that no longer work. Relationships are at the heart of everything; how we work with each other, our ecology and our self is critical for our future - and yet there is often a poverty of genuine dialogue to explore core questions and foster action.
10 Dec 2018
Kenny McCarthy
We are reliant on just 12 plants and 5 animals for more than 75 percent of the food we eat. What consequences does this lack of diversity have for human and planetary health?
Elliot Kett
Elliot Kett explores electromobility: the current targets, what's holding back progress, and the potential to change the design of urban areas
08 Dec 2018
Anthony Painter
Millennials don’t support higher taxes. But they do support universal approaches to welfare. Anthony Painter explains how generational inequalities explain this paradox.
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