RSA Forum: leadership - RSA

RSA Forum: leadership

Fellowship events / Online

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  • Social innovation
  • Other
  • Fellowship

At the RSA we're all about uniting people and ideas to resolve the challenges of our time.

Starting at 1pm and going through until 3pm, there will be a chance to hear a series of short talks on different aspects of leadership. We're bringing together leading figures from across the North in the worlds of business, academia, politics and charity for lightning talks on the ideas they think can help to shape the future of leadership. The talks and speakers are still to be confirmed, but they’re all bound to be interesting, informative and inspirational.

We're keeping the talks short (around 15 minutes in length) so we can hear from as many people as possible. Come along to be inspired, meet like-minded people online, and spark some ideas to shape the future of the North.

Upcoming North England Fellowship events

  • RSA Newcastle network encounter

    Fellowship events

    Tyneside Cinema Bar Cafe, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6QG

    Join other RSA Fellows and friends for an informal chance to catch up and chat at the Tyneside Bar Café on Pilgrim Street.

  • Changing the narrative on homelessness and poverty

    Fellowship events

    Online via Zoom

    Join Mike Findlay, Chief Executive of International Network of Street Papers to discuss the role of the media in the current poverty crisis.