Developing infrastructure - Design for Life - The RSA - RSA

Developing infrastructure

Design for Life Developing Infrastructure

At a system-wide level, Design for Life aims to develop and influence the supporting conditions that people, communities and organisations need to drive regenerative change in the long term.

How are we achieving this?

Digital badging

Championing digital badging as a recognised learning hallmark for informal learners of all walks of life, especially for the skills needed for a regenerative economy.

Social connections

Our social connections work will oversee a step-change in encouraging approaches and practices that value and commit to stewarding social capital.

Knowledge commons

Sharing the best regenerative ideas, research and practice through open-source platforms, and engaging communities of changemakers to contribute, remix and share knowledge for the common good.

Related infrastructure content

  • Benjamin Franklin Medal

    The Benjamin Franklin Medal is one of the RSA’s highest honours awarded to contemporary individuals whose work reflects the values of inquiry, civic empowerment, and a desire to improve society.

  • Why social connectivity matters


    Andy Haldane

    Social connectivity was a theme of the 695th Lord Mayor's Lecture Series. In it, our CEO, Andy Haldane, explored the role of social capital and connectivity in nurturing health, wealth and happiness, among other things.

  • Regeneration: from time lords to transforming cities


    Martin Wright

    Martin Wright reports back from our sessions on the regeneration of capabilities, social infrastructure and cities at Cornwall's ‘think fest’, Anthropy 2023.

Explore our other Design for Life areas of focus

  • Building capabilities

    Design for Life supports people to learn and lead. We're unlocking the confidence, capabilities and connections of children, learners and entrepreneurs of all ages.

  • Growing hubs

    Design for Life works across organisations, communities, industries and regions to create new ways for them to achieve regenerative impact together.

Become an RSA Fellow

The RSA Fellowship is a unique global network of changemakers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish. We invite you to be part of this change.