Fellowship Events
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26 May 2023
Lazar Dzamic
Knowing how to read and write is no longer enough. Lazar Dzamic argues that we need to arm our young with new literacies, to fight narratives sold by media, politicians, religion, the entertainment industry and big business.
Fellowship news
17 Feb 2023
RSA Fellows are invited to a free 3-hour introduction to copyright seminar, providing a practical overview of need-to-know facts and information for entrepreneurs, creatives and businesses.
05 Jul 2022
Leah Clarkson
How three RSA Fellows are fighting global inequalities standing in the way of young people
Mehak Tejani Hannah Breeze
Does linking exclusions to critical services fail young people at risk?
Claudia Baldacchino
Tech poverty creates real barriers to daily life for many across the UK
16 Mar 2022
David Robson
Why welcoming frustration and failure may be the key to establishing successful lifelong learning practices.
Tom Kenyon
Now the average person will have 12 jobs in their lifetime; for most, long gone is the era where one person could learn a skill and have one job for life. A widening gap of inequality is in play. What can we do about it?
23 Feb 2022
For ten years, Driving Ambition has helped young people in Oxfordshire realise the opportunities open to them once they leave school. But, says Peter Jordan, FRSA, we can do a lot more, and he wants your help
17 Feb 2022
Tony Wall
Young people are rarely included in the policies that affect their futures. In fast-growing Vietnam, with many ethnic groups at the back of the queue for decent, secure and well-paid jobs, most are never heard at all. Tony Wall and Ann Hindley explain how Re-WORK aims to redress the balance
25 Jan 2022
Scottish Government to fund free places for candidates on business and social entrepreneurship training programme.
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