Fellowship Events
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Showing 111 to 7 of 117 results
04 Apr 2017
Moray MacPhail FRSA
Moray Mcphil FRSA responds to our Entrepreneurial Audit with some recommendations that would improve the lives of the self-employed.
09 Feb 2017
If the government is serious about improving the productivity, resilience and long-term financial success of the self-employed, then it must be more willing to intervene to set problems right.
Benedict Dellot
Our new report, The Entrepreneurial Audit, argues that paring back corporation tax and culling regulation are at best insufficient policy moves, and at worst damaging to the long-term interests of the business community.
12 Jun 2015
Micro businesses are often painted as inefficient, lightweight and an overall drain on our economy. But our research finds that many are in fact thriving, boosted by new technologies, changing consumer habits and a pro-business policy agenda. So are we at the dawn of a ‘second age of small’?
13 May 2015
In this major new policy report, the first in the Power to Create series, Anthony Painter and Louise Bamfield argue that major institutional change to work and learning is needed to promote ‘inclusive social mobility'.
26 Mar 2015
This new report examines how the living standards of the self-employed could be improved and touches upon issues such as earnings, savings, pensions, welfare and taxation.
30 Apr 2014
Our report 'Salvation in a Start-up?' explores the factors behind the boom in self-employment and examines what life is really like for the growing numbers of people who now work for themselves.
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We want to make sure that everyone, regardless of background or starting point, can pursue good work.