Creating /Building a Culture of Compassion, Authenticity and Transparency within Government, Politics & Communities - RSA

Creating /Building a Culture of Compassion, Authenticity and Transparency within Government, Politics & Communities

Fellowship news

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  • Fellowship in Action

Since 2015, Sarajane Aris FRSA has been meeting regularly with her local MP to lobby him around a variety of initiatives, such as developing a mentoring scheme for MPs, developing a competency framework for all MPs.

Sarajane's most recent project has been around creating a culture of compassion, authenticity and transparency within government and politics. He asked Sarajane for her suggestions. She conducted a brief survey amongst psychology colleagues, provided a report with recommendations. This went to various colleagues, committees, such Graham Brady (then lead of 1922 Committee), Andrea Leadsom, (then Leader of House of Commons) and others. It was well received and was passed on, but to no avail.

Sarajane is keen to keep the pressure on the government with this agenda and feels that if Fellows in the RSA South West developed a lobbying strategy with local MPs, around specific and agreed agenda items, they might impact on positive changes. Is there any appetite amongst South West Fellows to form a group to take this forward? Sarajane would love to hear from you. Thank you, in anticipation.



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