Building Inclusive Growth Scotland network - RSA

Building Inclusive Growth Scotland Network

Growing out of the RSA’s Inclusive Growth Commission, the BIG Network looks to develop the findings of the Commission within a Scottish context. It has held several events since being set up, and is currently creating a new programme of activity for the coming year. To find out more or to express interest in contributing to the network, please contact Lesley Martin FRSA by following the Myrsa profile link below.

Sign up to the network

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Picture of Lesley Martin FRSA
Lesley Martin FRSA
Strategy Professional, Researcher, RSA Fellowship Councillor Edinburgh

RSA Scotland is at an exciting period of its history as our impact grows across a wide range of areas. Our Fellowship is central to our success, and it is fantastic to see how many Fellows are coming forward to kick-start new activity across the length and breadth of the country, including parts of Scotland that have never had RSA activity before.

Head of RSA Scotland Jamie Cooke FRSA


  • Kirkcaldy meetup

    Fellowship events

    Spinning Top Cafe & Bar, Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy KY1 1ET

    Join RSA Fellows in Kirkcaldy for an informal catch up and a chance to network and build connections over coffee or a drink.

  • Edinburgh Fellows meetup

    Fellowship events

    The Scotsman Hotel, Edinburgh, EH1 1TR

    Please join RSA Fellows in Edinburgh for an informal catch up.

  • Food production, security and exports

    Fellowship events

    Border Union Agricultural Society, Kelso, TD5 8LS

    Join RSA Fellows’ Borders Network and Rural + Environmental Issues Network to discuss food quality, regulation, safety and distribution.