What Next for Scottish Relations in Europe - RSA

What Next for Scottish Relations in Europe

Fellowship events

 -  | GMT Standard Time


Please join us for this fascinating event in Edinburgh, exploring possibilities for the future of Scotland's relationship with Europe.

Following the Windsor deal, the panel will discuss and answer questions on how Scotland can get on the front foot to benefit from any thawing of UK-EU relations and what this means for Scotland’s relationships in Europe over the coming years.

The signing of the Windsor Framework has removed the threat of a trade war with the European Union and hopefully signals a change in approach by the UK Government in its relations with the EU. 

This event will explore Scottish interests in terms of:

Association with EU research programmes including Horizon Europe

- Helping remove trade friction, especially from our exports

- Supporting the Scottish fishing and agricultural sectors, including labour needs

- Alignment with EU rules

- Energy cooperation, especially electricity trading

-Services such as mobility for our creative professionals

-Making sure Scottish civil society can input effectively to the TCA

-Youth mobility following the loss or Erasmus; and

-Sharing information on law enforcement

This event will be presented by Jamie Cooke, Head of Fellowship Engagement Nations and Regions at the RSA, with contributions from;

Professor Katy Hayward, Professor of Political Sociology at Queen’s University Belfast. Katy Hayward is Professor of Political Sociology at Queen’s University Belfast where she leads an ESRC-funded project on ‘The post-Brexit status and future of Northern Ireland’. The author of over 300 publications, Professor Hayward has written, presented to, and engaged with media, policy, civic, business and academic audiences locally and worldwide on the subjects of Brexit, the Protocol/Windsor Framework and the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.

Dr Kirsty Hughes, fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and former director of the Scottish Centre on European Relations. Dr Kirsty Hughes is a writer, researcher and expert on European politics. She has worked at a number of leading European think tanks including Chatham House and Friends of Europe. She was the founder and director of the Scottish Centre on European Relations from 2017-2021. She has published extensively on European and international politics including books, reports, articles and media comment and analysis.

Angus Robertson MSP, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture. After a distinguished career in international journalism, Angus Robertson worked in the Scottish Parliament as an expert advisor before being elected to the House of Commons in June 2001 where he served for 16 years, including as a member of the European Scrutiny Committee and SNP leader. He was elected to the Scottish Parliament in May 2021 and appointed as the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture in May 2021, reappointed in March 2023.

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Please be aware that registrations will close two hours before the event is due to start.

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