Join us for an evening in the inspirational setting of Hawkwood, a Centre for Future Thinking, in an event in collaboration with Hawkwood and Gloucestershire Climate Action Network (GlosCAN).
Amidst the Pandora's box opened by the Industrial Revolution, hope is becoming all the more important today as we attempt to unify nations and neighbourhoods on the issue of climate change. Science must inform our collective response to the consequences involved—yet it is human attitudes to climate change that are key to making that response truly collective.
At this "social watching" event, we'll be taking a look at a short video from George the Poet on Climate Change, followed by the RSA lecture 'Is there still Hope on Climate Change’ with David Attenborough in discussion with Tim Flannery.
Following the big questions of this lecture, we'll ask: how close is the climate crisis? Can our desire to overcome it drive humanity's next great waves of positive technological, economic, and social revolution? Or will we be plunged into the dystopian collapses and terrors of civilisations past?
We'll follow up the film with a facilitated discussion led by Hugh Richards from GlosCAN.
At the inspirational setting of Hawkwood College, we want to look beyond the science and get to the core of the human response to climate change. Join us to add your voice and perspective—tickets are free and refreshments will be provided.
If you have any questions, have any access requirements, or require any reasonable adjustments, please contact Lou Matter:
Location: Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL6 7QW
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