Please join us for the second meeting of a new RSA network for Fellows based in and around Lancashire and Cumbria.
We’re pleased to be joined by Chris Rowley, the secretary of South Lakes Action on Climate Change. Chris will be giving a talk on SLACC’s work locally, and how place-based responses to climate change can work in tandem with global action by national governments.
The aim of SLACC is to address the twin issues of climate change and peak oil within the area by decreasing the dependence of the community on fossil fuels, lowering carbon emissions and by building a stronger, resilient community that is able to be more independent in areas such as food, energy, transport, healthcare and economics.
They believe that only with the cooperation and involvement of all sectors of the community – individuals, voluntary groups, local businesses, churches, council, schools – is it possible to deal collectively with the two greatest challenges facing us today and to come up with the solutions together.
Taking part in RSA in-person events
We've been looking forward to finally being able to meet together in person. But of course recognise it is important for us to stay cautious and make the environment safe for everyone.
We aim to have assurances from all venues that they will have basic COVID-safety processes in place.
We’re asking all attendees events to be respectful of personal space, to be mindful of others preferences in regards to social distancing and to respect those that are wearing face coverings.
To participate in the event, you will need to register for a ticket so we can make sure we have an up-to-date list of those who plan on attending. This is for capacity purposes.
We request that all attendees evaluate their own health and that of those they’re in close contact with. We encourage all attendees that are sick or showing symptoms of illness to stay home and to cancel your Eventbrite ticket if you are no longer able to join the event.
Given the ever-changing nature of the pandemic, please always check your latest national Government guidance in addition to following our baseline guidance enclosed here. If guidelines do change, the event may be cancelled at short notice.
If you have any questions, or to let us know of any access requirements or reasonable adjustments you require, please email: