Fellowship Events
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Showing 21 to 8 of 28 results
08 Nov 2018
James Murphy
The RSA is a well-known advocate of exploring universal basic income and its potential. Not all our Fellows agree. James Murphy FRSA believes that the concept is fundamentally flawed and argues that is time to abandon the idea.
18 Sep 2018
Sir Brendan Paul Barber
In advance of a national conference on the future of work, Sir Brendan Barber, Acas Chair, argues that anyone who aims to influence the world of work has to understand the ever- shifting policy focus between regulation, in the form of legally enforceable rights, and discretion, where behaving in a certain way is advisory but not enforceable.
06 Aug 2018
Graham Norris
The technologies currently being developed and rolled out will have fundamental consequences for future economic activity. Graham Norris FRSA argues that when talking about the future of work, we need to ditch the suggestion that there will be some transition endpoint and embrace the fact that change will continue to accelerate.
01 Feb 2018
Andy Spence
Despite high-profile issues with digital work platforms, blockchain technology could help us ensure the next generation are fair, effective and promote good work.
21 Nov 2017
Ben Loewenstein
The artificial intelligence industry should not get too comfortable. It will not be long before policymakers make moves to put the brakes on technological progress in the name of fairness and human safety, writes Ben Loewenstein FRSA.
06 Aug 2017
Howard Gardner Danny Mucinkas
What does ‘good work’ mean, and how can individuals, institutions, communities, and societies achieve it? Howard Gardner and Danny Mucinskas respond to the RSA’s Matthew Taylor’s review of work Practices and present two contrasting perspectives.
01 Aug 2017
Robert Ashton
From 17th century Quakers to 21st century cooperatives, ethical business has been a tidal idea in human societies. Join Robert Ashton FRSA on 3 October in Norwich to learn how work is changing—for good.
24 Feb 2016
Anthony Painter
Now is the chance to take stock of society’s vulnerabilities and work for a better future.
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