Fellowship Events
Public Talks
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20 Jan 2015
Something has to change. In a bid to generate a new public dialogue that sparks real action, the RSA presents the first in a series of climate change events with a twist, featuring comedians Marcus Brigstocke and Pippa Evans.
Something has to change. In a bid to generate a new public dialogue that sparks real action, the RSA presents the first in a series of climate change events with a twist, featuring comedian Marcus Brigstocke.
13 Jan 2015
David Willetts MP visits the RSA to speak about the knowledge and skills we need to flourish in a complex and fast-paced environment.
11 Dec 2014
Data journalist, designer and founder of the blog sensation Information is Beautiful, David McCandless visits the RSA to demonstrate how visualised information can help us comprehend, navigate and find meaning in a complex world.
09 Dec 2014
Art historian William L Pressly offers an in-depth analysis of James Barry’s murals depicting the progress of human culture and knowledge.
08 Dec 2014
Francis Maude MP is Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General
04 Dec 2014
Robin Hahnel, professor of economics at Portland State University discusses what must be done to combat climate change, and what political obstacles must be overcome if humans are to avoid the fate of lemmings.
02 Dec 2014
Has the internet and social media revolution allowed the public relations industry to dominate journalism?
27 Nov 2014
In this year’s annual RDI address, Alex McDowell describes his work on the Rilao Project, a fictional city and narrative laboratory that allows us to imagine an alternative trajectory of social, political and technological development.
Eric Schlosser is an investigative journalist and author of Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Incident and the Illusion of Safety
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