Fellowship Events
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13 Jul 2017
How do we build a future that doesn’t leave humans behind? Erik Brynjolfsson provides an essential guide to the new digital economy, and how to thrive in it.
13 Feb 2017
We are bombarded with more information each day than our brains can process. Neuroscientist and New York Times bestselling author Daniel J. Levitin visited the RSA to help us sort the wheat from the digital chaff.
15 Apr 2016
Leading innovation expert and former adviser to the US Secretary of State, Alec Ross visits the RSA to give an insider's perspective on the industries of the future.
14 Jul 2015
Law professor Frank Pasquale argues that the regulation and transparency of big data should be at the heart of our concerns as a society.
26 Feb 2015
Neuroscientist and author Daniel Levitin explains how we can organise our brains to keep up with the demands of the digital age.
08 Dec 2014
Francis Maude MP is Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General
02 Oct 2014
Leading neuroscientist Susan Greenfield considers the vast range of technologies that are creating a new environment around us, and asks: how can we ensure these powerful forces bring out the best in us, and allow us to lead more meaningful, more creative lives?
11 Jun 2014
John Ryley is head of Sky News
10 Apr 2014
Aral Balkan is a designer and social entrepreneur
19 Mar 2014
Jon Ronson is an award-winning writer, journalist and documentary-maker
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