RSA Student Design Award 2023-24 winner: Pyri - RSA

Student Design Awards winners: Made Natural

Brief 5: How might we create sustainable, nature-based solutions which use trees to protect the environment and strengthen communities? 

Winner: Pyri

Inspired by heat-reactive pine cones, Pyri is a low-cost and zero-maintenance early wildfire detection system made from nature-based materials.

Pyri is an early wildfire detection system that uses nature-derived materials from plants and trees for extensive and low-cost coverage. The heat from nascent wildfires activates Pyri, providing early alerts to at-risk communities.

Karina Gunadi, Richard Alexandre, Blake Goodwyn, Tanghao Yu

Royal College of Art, England

Winner of £2,000 Made natural Award | Follow Pyri on LinkedIn


Highly commended

Jennie Leung, University of Portsmouth, England

Bonsai buddies: Bringing the benefits of nature-based ecotherapy and journaling to isolated and less physically able older people, to improve their health, wellbeing, and quality of life in their golden years.

Carly Laudenslager, Jolie Grazia and Oliver Watts, Champlain College, United States

EcoLens:EcoLens is an app that utilizes AR/AI technology to help educate users and allow them to see where effective tree species can be planted to help mitigate flood damage and promote ecological rejuvenation through promoting conscious planting efforts, connecting with local resources, and engaging with their community.

ApipuSrimonthol, Kritsada Chanaphaijaroensuk and Torntum Phophientong,University of the Arts London, England and University of Washington, United States 

How We Sing in the Monsoon sea:A modular, self-sustained structure designed to strengthen the mangrove restoration campaigns against sea erosion, whilst providing an alternative fishing opportunity for the local community during the monsoon periods 


Kreeshi Shavdia, University of Bristol, England

KoKoKnots: KoKoKnots is a traditional wooden boat made by the community using old-time techniques and inspired by circular design which assists in preserving identity and generating income, while also being deeply rooted in reforestation of mangroves and introduction of halophytes, to ensure safeguarding of water resources, food security and biodiversity.

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