Displays - RSA

Coffeehouse displays

Is your project eligible for display?

Please make sure that your project adheres to the following criteria:

  • The project must be led by an RSA Fellow
  • Displays may not be used to promote projects whose purpose is personal financial gain
  • The project must have demonstrable, positive, social impact
  • Has your project been displayed before? Projects may only be displayed once every three years.

Creating your display

In order to generate curiosity in the coffeehouse displays need to be visual. This means displaying an object or small collection of objects from your project or that symbolise your project.

The space available for each project is a shelf with a depth of 180mm, height of 630mm and width of 464mm. Grooves in the shelves allow visual boards to be stood upright. The shelves are open. Displays can include both 2D and 3D aspects. Digital display (visual only, no sound) is possible if you are able to provide the necessary device(s).

The project title plus the name of the Fellow leading the project will be included in the display shelf alongside a QR code which will link to an article about the project.

Writing the article to go with your display

Display stories take the form of an interview. Please answer the following questions in 100 words or less:

  • What led you to start this project?
  • What does this object mean to you and why did you choose it?
  • What problem are you trying to solve with this project?
  • How has being an RSA Fellow helped or contributed to the development of this project?
  • How can RSA Fellows get involved with your project?

Some things to consider when writing your article:

  • We may edit your submission for clarity or formatting purposes
  • Your answers should represent the RSA's values of openness, inclusivity and tolerance
  • Whilst we don't shy away from controversial topics, we recognise that using the RSA platform to promote Fellow-led initiatives can sometimes inadvertently indicate that the RSA is taking a particular stance on an issue. In such instances we will work with you to see if we can rectify the situation, if we are unable to find a solution we may not be able to publish your article or display your project.
  • Finally, you'll need to update your MyRSA profile before the story is published. This is how Fellows will be able to reach out to you.

The application process

If your application to display is successful we will be in touch to let you know the date display and by when we need to receive your display material.

If your application is not successful we will let you know the reasons why.

Applications are reviewed, and successful projects are displayed, in order of receipt of the application form. We cannot guarantee when projects will be displayed. However, if the display of your project is time sensitive please state this in your application, and we will do our best to accommodate that.

Application Form

Download the form to submit your display proposal