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03 Dec 2018
Ed Cox
Our poll on Britain's biggest challenges reveals that young people don’t support higher taxes, preferring to focus on volunteering and social action as ways to reduce inequality.
Charlie Young
As COP24 kicks off in Poland, Charlie Young asks if a Carbon Fee and Dividend could be a way to cap emissions and equally distribute revenues whilst appealing to people in different camps.
01 Dec 2018
Matthew Taylor
In the rolling debate about how best to distribute power in the British state, we should turn our attention to the systemic problems of the centre.
30 Nov 2018
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Our Future Work Awards finalists include a suite of innovations emerging to help secure good work in gig economy.
Will Grimond
Last week's event provided some invaluable insights.
29 Nov 2018
Jane Langley
People like to shop - it’s deeply ingrained into our lifestyle. Even those of us who don’t tend to shop much find ourselves inadvertently being enticed to spend by beautiful images of things that we would love to own.
Claire Doran
This autumn, another two-year cycle of Fellowship Council elections occurred and I’m delighted to welcome back Caroline Clark for a second term and welcome aboard Don Mclaverty and Jim Zalles for their first terms.
Ed Cox, Director of Public Services and Communities, discusses a series of events and projects that show that the people are taking back control of the North.
28 Nov 2018
Jenny Andersson
Can redesigning 'business as usual' and accelerating the transition to a circular economy address our current ecological, social and psychological divides?
Lynne Davis
Lynne Davis reflects on grief and the history of social change in the context of the environmental activism.
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