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08 Mar 2019
Hannah Webster
Hannah Webster asks if a Basic Income could offer a feminist vision of the welfare state.
Georgina Chatfield
By the age of 7 children’s aspirations appear to be shaped by gender-related stereotypes. Schools and parents can do better.
Robert Ashton FRSA
On 7th February, more than 140 people gathered in Norwich to debate the issues that affect the city. The event was delivered by Manchester based charity ROC (Redeeming Our Communities) who facilitate community engagement conversations across the UK.
07 Mar 2019
Alexandra Krawiec
RSA Connector Alexandra Krawiec reports back from her recent lecture on the ethics of AI and how we can learn to live in coexistence with technology.
andrew mcrae
Centred on a striking digital map and employing crowd-sourcing technology, Places of Poetry will use poetry to focus on the relation between heritage, place and identity.
Maria Rovisco Ambrose Musiyiwa
The Leicester Human Rights Arts and Film Festival, a yearly initiative with which we have been involved, offers a springboard to discuss how a grassroots festival has become a site where shared ideas of human rights and human dignity can be imagined.
Ellie Profile
To mark International Women’s Day 2019, meet six remarkable female Fellows, who are working in various communities and sectors to improve society.
Alex Tam
How can heritage and art provide room for discussion in an increasingly polarised world?
06 Mar 2019
Stéphane Goldstein
Information, information, information... In all its guises, online, in print, by word of mouth, it’s all around us – created, read, shared, commented upon at a greater pace than ever before in human history.
Atif Shafique
These are the places making the idea of inclusive growth a reality.
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