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17 Jul 2019
Ruth Hannan
The current model of social care isn't working. But fixing it is about more than just funding.
15 Jul 2019
Ann Packard
Polymathy may not be easy, but being pragmatic, informed, multi-disciplinary and purposeful is critical to RSA success.
Richard Brophy
Richard Brophy FRSA on why Openreach are working with the RSA to create Cities of Learning and the exciting combination of digital and real-world learning.
14 Jul 2019
Abigail Campbell
How a local Fellowship meet-up in Suffolk and a trip to Buurtzorg, a pioneering health organisation in the Netherlands, inspired Cecilia Tredget FRSA to launch her own person-centred community nursing initiative closer to home.
13 Jul 2019
Ahmed Shaal
The regeneration of Stratford shows how a skills mismatch can mean local people don't always benefit from local jobs.
11 Jul 2019
Riccardo Sanavio
On 27th June 2019, the second edition of Dialogue: Grow-Feed-Innovate, organized by the RSA Japan Fellows’ Network (RSA JFN), took place at the Balcony of Venture Cafe in Toranomon Hills.
Agata Lo Tauro
How can technology assist with new forms of learning?
10 Jul 2019
Jenny Andersson
As the challenges we face in the world are more complex and systemic than ever before, we need radically new approaches to the way in which we view the role of business from extractive to regenerative.
Kerstyn Comely
We had an emotive story, an undeniably important mission, and a multi-award winning app to deliver our initiative. How hard could it possibly be to get people to click on a link and donate a quid? Very bloody hard, as it happens.
09 Jul 2019
Caroline Leek FRSA
The Cancer Hive is a publication for the cancer community to support one another; a place that can help change the conversations around cancer, making it less of a taboo, whilst providing support to those who are living with it.
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