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03 Mar 2016
Ellen Spencer Bill Lucas
Bill Lucas and Ellen Spencer of the Centre for Real-World Learning at the University of Winchester explore the true purpose of education
Keeley Davies Tom Gilliford
Keeley and Tom from our Project Engagement Team give their thoughts on the gender debate.
From the RSA Journal - Dr. Arnie Bieber, Director of the International School of Prague and noted education innovator discusses how schools can develop a "future-ready" mindset for teachers and learners.
Sarah Ayres
Sarah Ayres explains the findings from the Political Studies Association's recent report on devolution.
Kazz Morohashi
A guest blog from Kazz Morohashi on design education and her experience of being a judge for the RSA Pupil Design Awards.
Matthew Taylor
In his concluding post on efficacy, Matthew Taylor considers the relationship between organisational design and different forms of efficacy.
02 Mar 2016
Brhmie Balaram
The RSA was asked to present evidence to the BIS Select Committee last week as part of the government’s inquiry into the digital economy. Brhmie Balaram gives her top five takeaways.
Thirteen-year-old J'lyn talks about her mission to get young people talking about mental health in school. She held a student-led Pannel on mental health and wants you to do so too.
In the second in a series of posts on efficacy, Matthew Taylor considers the different forms it can take and how these forms might be combined to maximise insight and impact.
01 Mar 2016
In the first of three blogs exploring the idea of efficacy, Matthew outlines some key lessons from our work with the global education company, Pearson.
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