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06 Sep 2016
Georgie Grant and Naomi Griffith
From 4,000 visitors a year to 4,000 in one month; Georgie Grant and Naomi Griffith from Onion Collective tell us about their community's journey in redeveloping Watchet's Boat Museum.
05 Sep 2016
Jim Fruchterman
Jim Fruchterman FRSA discusses how data can be used to deliver social good.
Jamie Cooke
Head of RSA Scotland Jamie Cooke reflects on the links between Scotland and the US, and the opportunities for global collaboration that being fellow Fellows offers.
Nathalie Spencer
What is the best way to influence stakeholders and generate change? Different approaches to generating change have different strengths, when should each be used to the best effect?
01 Sep 2016
David Boyle (blog)
David Boyle explores the limits of transport policy to create inclusive cities
Andrew Norman
In the first of a series of posts discussing the state of democracy in the 21st Century, Andy Norman outlines the gaps that exist between the assumptions we make about our democratic system and the case in practice.
Benedict Dellot
Small businesses don't want sweeping tax cuts and special favours. They want a tax system that is clear, fair and progressive. Here are 5 ideas to get us started.
31 Aug 2016
Sevra Davis
This year’s programme has launched with 12 new briefs developed together with our partners and industry sponsors
neil reeder
Neil Reeder FRSA discusses how we gain greater understanding of economics and the emergence of a new paradigm
30 Aug 2016
Anthony Painter
Europe has been undergoing a social and cultural revolution, yet its democratic, social democratic, and economic structures have remained incredibly resistant to change.
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