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02 Nov 2016
Tania Coke
Our RSA Japan Connector, Tania Coke, talks about her experience during the RSA Japan Fellows event on Wagashi held recently at Mannenzan Shourinji Temple in Kyoto, Japan.
Joanna Massie
Joanna Massie FRSA writes a love letter to Canada as she is in awe of their approach to social progress.
Anthony Painter
Ken Loach's brutal film presents an entirely plausible picture of a dysfunctional welfare system. What would be different under Basic Income?
01 Nov 2016
Benedict Dellot
The Uber ruling reveals a National Insurance system that is not fit for purpose. Here are 5 scenarios for its future.
31 Oct 2016
Alan Casey
Alan Casey, social entrepreneur and Founder of BizHealthCheck reflects the need for a purpose-driven work and a 'How-To' guide for inclusive growth in business.
Hannah Shimko
Ahead of the publication of the RSA Heritage Index 2016, final year of PhD student Hannah Shimko FRSA discussed the role of popular culture in our understanding and engagement with heritage.
Nicholas Bull
As a lawyer who works as an employee in-house for the RSA and spent some ten years as a self-employed barrister, here are my personal thoughts on the Uber judgment.
Brhmie Balaram
In the wake of the Employment Tribunal ruling against Uber, we should bear in mind the limitations of the law and Parliament’s involvement. Transforming the ‘gig economy’ will require a collective effort in reimagining our institutions and the ways in which we can shape the future of work.
In the wake of the Employment Tribunal ruling against Uber, we should bear in mind the limitations of the law and Parliament’s involvement.
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