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26 May 2016
David Boyle (blog)
What are the characteristics of places that successfully manage to grow inclusively?
24 May 2016
The Inclusive Growth Commission, chaired by Stephanie Flanders, is an independent, impactful inquiry designed to understand and identify practical ways to make local economies across the UK more economically inclusive and prosperous.
17 May 2016
David Boyle reflects on the first meeting of the Inclusive Growth Commission, identifying the paradoxes inherent in many of the key concepts we take for granted - such as growth and devolution.
28 Apr 2016
David Boyle reflects on the launch of the Inclusive Growth Commission and the challenge ahead.
26 Apr 2016
Charlotte Alldritt
Charlotte Alldritt discusses the launch of the RSA's Inclusive Growth Commission which will explore the costs and benefits of economic inclusion in the growth of cities.
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