Fellowship Events
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11 Feb 2021
Food policy expert Professor Tim Lang examines the vulnerabilities, strengths, and impacts of our food system, and explores how we can rework it to serve us all fairly, securely, and sustainably.
30 Oct 2020
Josephine Namusisi-Riley FRSA
Josephine Namusisi-Riley FRSA reflects on 2020's Black History Month
29 Oct 2020
Most black women are still not being heard in Britain today. And those who do speak out are often punished for using their voices. How do we take up a seat at the table and speak on our own terms?
05 Oct 2020
Laura Partridge
Reflecting, thinking long-term, and fixing what’s wrong with our schools.
11 Aug 2020
Hila Chenzbraun Philipa Duthie
How can environmental movements tackle the climate crisis and social and racial injustice?
20 Jul 2020
Adarsh Ramchurn
It is clear that coronavirus is exposing longstanding inequalities. Work needs to be done to combat the Covid-19 pandemic - but also the racism pandemic.
06 Jul 2020
Anthony Painter
A possible first step towards Basic Income.
18 Jun 2020
Alexa Clay
Alexa Clay who leads the RSA US, puts a spotlight on some long-term structural pathways to overcoming police brutality and supporting social and economic justice in America.
11 Jun 2020
Becca Antink
Whose history, whose voice, is centred and valued? And whose isn’t?
04 Jun 2020
Jane Davidson FRSA
Jane Davidson FRSA on how we can help future generations with better long-term thinking.
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