Fellowship Events
Public talks
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Showing 1 to 10 of 38 results
30 Aug 2017
Benedict Dellot
Warnings about autonomous weapons must be heeded. But we cannot hope to tackle society's biggest ills without embracing the new machine age.
12 Dec 2016
Jonathan Rowson
With US$ 5.2 trillion now pledged to divest from fossil fuels, Jonathon Rowson reflects on how climate change is better understood as a problem with the financial system as much as an environmental issue.
22 Dec 2015
In his final blog, Jonathan Rowson looks back on his time at the RSA and our behaviour change work.
Press release
04 Dec 2015
After the Climate Change talks in Paris, there are now reasons to be optimistic as well as pessimistic about our capacity to deal with climate change, says the RSA's new report.
03 Dec 2015
Jonathan Rowson breaks down the key messages from our new report on climate change, 'Money Talks'.
Our new climate change report examines the claim that if we want to limit planetary warming to levels deemed acceptable, the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel industry has to be accelerated.
30 Nov 2015
Today marks the start of a major global summit on climate change in Paris, a UN ‘conferences of the parties’, or cop. Jonathan Rowson weighs up the optimism and pessimism surrounding it.
11 Feb 2015
Tonight I have the privilege of chairing an ambitious RSA public event on Climate Change, with a panel of seven experts speaking to the different aspects of climate change and how they intersect.
20 Jan 2015
Something has to change. In a bid to generate a new public dialogue that sparks real action, the RSA presents the first in a series of climate change events with a twist, featuring comedians Marcus Brigstocke and Pippa Evans.
Our report suggests that climate change is not about 'the environment', it's a problem with seven main dimensions: Science, Behaviour, Technology, Culture, Law, Economy and Democracy.
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