‘You said, we did’: RSA Engage Nations - RSA

‘You said, we did’: RSA Engage Nations

Fellowship news

  • Picture of Callum Bate
    Callum Bate
    Fellowship Areas and Engagement Manager (Central)
  • Picture of Kate Monkhouse
    Fellowship Areas and Engagement Manager for the South West and Wales
  • Picture of Amy McPherson
    Area Manager (Scotland)

A few months ago, Fellows in Wales told us they were keen to meet Fellows in Scotland and beyond to learn about how devolved nations were progressing innovation for the social good. So, we decided to offer an online platform for Fellows to find out about initiatives in each country and network with one another across the British Isles.

One of the ways the RSA contributes to a regenerative future is by being a convenor: bringing entrepreneurs together, helping to amplify excellent ideas and creating a platform for collective action. RSA Engage events provide a platform to share ideas, seek support from others and establish and develop connections.

So, as part of a series of 3 evening events, this Summer, we brought together Fellows from across England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Each presenter was seeking support from an informed audience, working to address social challenges and reflecting a positive vision for the future of the world, driving inclusive and sustainable action.  

Lee Bazalgette, a designer and innovator, who hosts Catref Creatif, gave us insight into the value of meeting together as creative entrepreneurs in South West Wales.

We also heard from Tabitha Jayne from Earthself about the community food forest she is growing to help support Scotland’s Biodiversity by 2045 strategy who said:

It was great to take part in the RSA Engage Nations events to share more about the community food forest project Earthself is working on. We got some great feedback and input from the RSA members and one of the other speakers is now coming to attend the food forest planting. We're now collaborating on a workshop as part of the planting bringing together our collective expertise.

Tabitha Jayne

From exploring the creative industries and regenerating landscapes, the audience then heard from two Fellows with expertise in Peace education and leadership coaching. 

Roy Leighton encouraged us all to upgrade our conflict resolution skills by telling us about the impact that peace education has in schools:

It was a real pleasure to be part of the Engage Nations event sharing the Theatre of Peace initiatives we are delivering in the UK and Globally using the arts, oracy and pedagogy of peace to build a culture of 'positive peace' in communities. I gained so much from the other speakers and our subsequent conversation.

Roy Leighton

And then, coach and new RSA Fellowship Councillor for Ireland, Michael Dunlop, invited us to join with him in celebrating the contribution of community leaders in the Good Friday agreement.

Fellows participating told us they enjoyed meeting together with shared values, swapping useful links or signposting one another to resources and the good company of their peers. Conversations were started, visits were promised and then they asked us, when can we do this again?

The next RSA Engage Nations will be online Wednesday 16 October 6-7.30pm. This event is free to attend, and open to Fellows and friends of the RSA.  Keep an eye out on Circle for all upcoming Fellowship Events. Not yet a Fellow? You can apply to join us here.

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