Rawthmells RSA Animate Mural - RSA

The Rawthmells RSA Animate Mural

Fellowship news 2 Comments

In late 2018, Rawthmells, the RSA's 21st-century Enlightenment coffeehouse, will open its doors. Help us to create a space that inspires and excites.

From the very beginning of the project we have wanted the coffeehouse to make a valuable contribution to the RSA mission, so it’s important for us to create a truly inspiring place.

RSA Animates help spread the ideas of leading thinkers, from education expert Sir Ken Robinson, to author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich, psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist and many more. As something that has inspired millions around the world, we wanted to visually represent the ground-breaking style of these animations in the coffeehouse.

Andrew Park is the talented animator behind this series, and he is designing a giant (11m x 2m) mural in the style of RSA Animates to display inside Rawthmells. 

Andrew's plan for the mural is to tell the story of the RSA, beginning in 1754 with the original 18th century Rawthmells coffeehouse. The final panel will depict Rawthmells and the RSA in the future, and Andrew is now crowdsourcing ideas from the Fellowship.

Send us your ideas by 25 June 2018:

How would you visualise the future of the RSA? 

How might the coffeehouse contribute to the future of social change?

You might want to think about research projects we're currently running, or some of the fantastic work being done by our Fellow-led networks

We're looking for new and interesting ways to show the breadth of the RSA's work, with an eye to the future. 

There's no preferred format - you can describe your idea or send visuals.  

Any ideas he takes forward will be credited with a free Enlightenment coffee when we launch.

Send your responses to: house.redevelopment@rsa.org.uk  

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