Pop culture and science has a new name – 52 Insights - RSA

Pop culture and science has a new name – 52 Insights

Fellowship news

RSA Fellow, Ari Stein, has created a magazine for the modern intellectual. Mixing the very best of cutting edge popular culture with ground-breaking science and technology – profiling individuals who are changing the world around us.

52 Insights is a magazine dedicated to making intelligence fashionable again. Embracing the fashion, music and iconography seen in magazines like HUH!, Dazed and i-D but inspired equally by the intellectual and academic pursuits of magazines such as New Scientist, Wired and The Economist. 52 Insights is a place where science and innovation, politics and meaningful art can meet. These ever overlapping fields are celebrated here in one place and presented in one simple format.

The magazine conducts long form Q+A features once a week with pioneers of their respective fields and is already recognized by its tag line – “exploring the world between popular culture and science.” 

But it goes much deeper than that. 52 Insights profiles individuals who are changing the world around us. Unique people who are innovating, creating and making a positive global impact through their work. Acclaimed neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley for example, who believes that in four years doctors will be prescribing us digital games to benefit us medically; or Aubrey de Grey who is working on a solution which would enable our lives to extend a further 100-200 years; And Academy Award nominee Michael Shannon, who invites readers into his world of method acting. 

“We believe in social impact and positive intent. People are doing wonderful things out there, through music, art, science, technology or more, and we want to let you know about it. There is thought, careful curation and love in what we do. We feel we have a responsibility to share these insights with you.” – Founder, Editor, and RSA Fellow, Ari Stein. 

Sign up to 52 Insights here to become a subscriber and spread the word. 

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