Fellowship events

 -  | BST British Summer Time

MakeSpace Central, OX1 1HU

The RSA is all about making an impact. But how? There are many ways to make a difference. 

One of the ‘master keys’ thought is influencing others and looking at different approaches to persuade them to your way of thinking. We are pleased to be working with Archetypical Director and South East Fellow Stephen Welch FRSA to explore new ideas and approaches to making an impact by influencing others. 

At this interactive workshop, will be co-creating a new model of influence and impact: we call it PERSUADE. Each of the 8 letters represents one key influencing style that you can use to make an impact. PERSUADE is designed to help you translate ideas into action and get others to see your point of view … and act accordingly. Knowing the 8 influencing styles will help you adapt your approach as needed. You will be able to recognise what your audience wants and then use that know-how to increase your chances of success. 

You will get a chance to explore the model, learn the 8 key styles, build your own version, and play some games designed to improve your influencing skills … and make an impact on your organization, your colleagues, and your career.   

Tickets are free but registration is essential. 

About your facilitator, Stephen Welch FRSA:  

"I design business simulations & training to help people advance their career and improve impact. 

I'm a communication, HR, and change professional who with strong skills in consulting, leadership development and research. I've also got some experience in marketing, mentoring and developing business simulations, such as the Corporate Snakes and Career Ladders project This project helps people go from technical experts to strategic advisers. 

Previously, I was at Dialog Semiconductor, working to ensure continued success of this fast-growing business. My focus was on internal communications, our employee survey and ad hoc topics such as business partnering and leadership coaching. 

My previous full-time role was as a global partner of Hay Group, a leading HR consultancy. I worked there from 2002-2013, helping clients improve their HR, and ensuring a strong connection between HR and business. I led the global Communication Media and Technology Consulting sector, working with global clients in this challenging, fast-paced and fun industry."

Taking part in RSA in-person events

To participate in the event, you will need to register for a ticket so we can make sure we have an up-to-date list of those who plan on attending. If you wish to register another attendee, this must be done separately using a different email address. This is for capacity purposes. We encourage all attendees that are ill or showing symptoms of illness to stay home and to cancel your Eventbrite ticket if you are no longer able to join the event.

At the RSA, we strive to create inclusive and supportive environments for all Fellows. We recognise that individuals may require different forms of support to fully participate in our events and activities. Therefore, we welcome and encourage Fellows to bring the support they feel is necessary, whether it be a carer, an emotional support animal, or any other form of assistanceWe ask that you fill out the accessibility requirements box in your Eventbrite booking form in advance of attending one of our events to ensure that the venues can accommodate such requirements. Our aim is to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and valued, and we are committed to accommodating diverse needs to foster an inclusive community.

Data: By registering for this event, you consent to receiving communications about this event, both before and after, and you agree to the sharing of your name, organisation & title with the Fellow(s) and/or partner organisation(s) hosting this event. Attendees also agree to the sharing of their name and organisation with other delegates at the event so that they might contact you through MyRSA. If you do not wish this information to be shared, please let us know by emailing: The information you provide when registering for an event will be retained by the RSA and will be used to record attendance at the event. To understand more about how the RSA uses your data, please see our Privacy Policy.

Please be aware that registrations will close two hours before the event is due to start.

Upcoming South East England Fellowship events