In 2018 the RSA will be embarking on an ambitious project to create an Enlightenment coffeehouse, one which fosters the creative thinking and collaborative action needed to address the challenges of the 21st century.
The RSA was established in an Enlightenment coffeehouse in 1754 by a group of people who came together with a shared vision for a better tomorrow. Join historian and broadcaster Matthew Green, Matthew Taylor (Chief Executive) and Oliver Reichardt (Director of Fellowship) to find out what made these Enlightenment coffeehouses so special and how they shaped the world in which we live.
We also need your help – on the night we will be asking you to share your ideas about how Fellows could use the new coffeehouse to contribute to the RSA’s mission of a 21st Century Enlightenment.
We’ll see you there for a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine, and some enlightened thinking to help us shape this next chapter in the story of RSA House.
If you have any questions, or to let us know of any access requirements, severe nut allergies, or reasonable adjustments you may have, please email the RSA team:
Location: The Great Room, RSA, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ
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Any such discussion is timely - and not only the coffee houses in C18/19th but also the gatherings and clubs of trades and professions made - and continue to make - a contribution to our societies. However, if this initiative is to be virtual (or indeed 'House' based) we will be talking primarily to people like 'us'. In an increasingly polarised (and wasteful in terms of human resources) society it would be good to establish 'peoples cafes' in empty retail units on our High Streets - more like a socially extended Oxford Hub - where everyone across the spectrum of our societies can access written and online material with coffee, sustenance and debate.