Humanity in a machine age - RSA

Humanity in a machine age

Public talks

 -  | GMT Standard Time

RSA House and online via YouTube

  • Economy
  • Technology

We are part of a complex technological system. We depend on this system for the way we work, the way we live, the way we think. How do we choose and regulate the technology which will help us build better futures for people, place and planet?

Drawing from his new book ‘The Machine Age: An Idea, a History, a Warning’, economic historian Robert Skidelsky sheds light on our fractured relationship with machines from humanity’s first tools down to the present and into the future. He traces the interactions between capitalism and technology, and between science and religion in the making of the modern world.

Navigating the risks and opportunities presented by technological advancement, Lord Skidelsky explores the evolution of our understanding of technology and what this means for our lives and politics.

*Please note this event will be shown at RSA House and Online - please ensure to register for the correct ticket type to avoid disappointment*

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