Documentary film screening
How can we act together to bring stability to our global economic system?
Director Terry Jones and entrepreneur Theo Kocken want to change the way we think about the economy. Their documentary film 'Boom Bust Boom' investigates the worldwide economic crash of 2008, and how we can avoid another global collapse in the future.
Analysing the direct link between the unstable financial system and our reliance on mainstream economics, the film shines a spotlight on the mistakes of the past some politicians and central bankers would like us to forget.
With a blend of light-hearted humour and serious commentary, this analysis of financial crises is part of a platform for learning and conversation about how we can change things for the better in the world economy.
Post screening panel discussion to include Bill Jones and Ben Timlett, co-directors & co-producers, Theo Kocken, co-writer and Professor of Risk Management, VU University, Amsterdam and Victoria Waldersee, co-project manager of Economy, the new website making economics more accessible.
The film screening and panel discussion will be followed by drinks.
Find out more about the BoomBustClick initiative.
The film can be seen in cinemas from 24 March and will be available on iTunes and Amazon from 29 March 2016. Watch the 'Boom Bust Boom' trailer.
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