Michael Blastland and David Speigelhalter reveal the real truth about the statistics of risk, and offer an entertaining and illuminating guide to everyday decision-making.
Should I drive or take the train? Should I risk that extra glass or wine, or that third sausage? What about attempting that sky-dive?
Life presents us with an endless series of choices and weighing up the relative risks and rewards is far from easy. Often we make decisions based on gut instinct rather than hard facts, because chance and risk aren't just about numbers - it's about what we believe, who we trust and how we feel about the world around us.
Risk experts David Speigelhalter and Michael Blastland visit the RSA to explain how we can get better at understanding and dealing with uncertainty – and offer an entertaining and illuminating guide to everyday decision-making.
Speakers: Michael Blastland, author, journalist, and BBC Radio 4 broadcaster; David Speigelhalter OBE, winton professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, University of Cambridge.
Chair: Matthew Taylor, RSA chief executive
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