Pakistan's Untouchables: The Christian sweeper community - RSA

Pakistan's Untouchables: The Christian sweeper community


The social, racial discrimination, violence and persecution faced by Christian communities of Lahore

This short documentary looks at the socioeconomic barriers faced by the Christian sweepers, as well as exploitation and how they are treated differently to Muslim staff. The film also highlights the work of Pakistani civil society organisations such as The Human Rights Commission Pakistan and The Human Liberation Commission, who are campaigning to raise awareness and support the appeal for equal rights for minority communities in Pakistan. The Christian community have also been the target of organised sectarian violence, linked to organised crime and land mafia, with the state and security services either powerless or unwilling to intervene to protect the community

Director: Ahmen Khawaja Producer: Ahmen Khawaja - With special thanks to The Human Rights Commission Pakistan

Please see Human Rights Commission Pakistan or the news report

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