David D’Souza - RSA

David D’Souza

David D'Souza is an RSA Trustee.

David is the Director of Profession for the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development. He is responsible for ensuring the CIPD effectively supports and leads the profession. David also serves as a commissioner on the Digital Badging Commission.

Prior to joining the CIPD, he worked as an independent consultant, following roles across a range of financial services and retail organisations.

David is a respected and in-demand speaker and writer on progressive HR and business practice, with his commentary regularly featuring in national media. He has expertise in a wide range of areas, including organisational development and culture, learning and development, corporate ethics and the future of work.

David is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, a Fellow of AHRI (the Australian HR Institute), a Fellow of the Centre For Evidence Based Management, and Fellow and Trustee Board member of the Royal Society of Arts.