Updating your MyRSA Profile

Connecting with the RSA and other Fellows

How do I upload my profile picture?

Click on the ‘My Profile’ tab and select ‘EDIT’.

Click on the ‘Choose File’ button. This will allow you to select a file. When you have selected a file you can either ‘PREVIEW NEW IMAGE’ or you can “cancel”. If you are happy with your image you should “SAVE CHANGES”.

What size should my image be for my profile picture?

It should be a 300 pixels wide by 300 pixels high.

Depending on the software you use to edit your image this one way to do it. To create a ‘perfect square’ there are two steps either select Image, Resize, Canvas Size; then select pixels from the drop down menu and select a background colour. To get a perfect square without any distortion type 591 in the height box and then click OK. To make your image 300px wide by 300px high you need to click Image, then Resize, then Image Size. Check Resample and Constrain Proportions and choose bicubic sharper for reduction. Type 300 into the width box and the height will change automatically to 300. Click OK and save.

How do I view my profile?

Click on the view my profile tab.

How do I edit my profile?

You can edit the “About you”, “Links”, “Interests”, “Skills”, “Contacting you” by clicking 'edit'.

When you have finished editing your section don’t forget to save your changes. You can do this by scrolling down the page and then by clicking on 'save changes'.

If you are not happy with the changes you can always select cancel.

Can I search for myself?

You can search for yourself, view your own profile and see it as other Fellows will see it, or you can click ‘View Your Profile’.

How long should my long description be?

No longer than 1000 characters. If you go over this, you will receive an error message and you will need to shorten your statement. If you encounter problems have a go at doing your profile again, but this time it might help to do it in word first and then copy the text. When you have inserted the text at the end of the text make sure that there are no spaces (just hold the delete key). Make sure that you are within your limit. It should save fine.

How do I keep up to date with events in another region?

Go to the What’s On tab on the RSA website.

In the drop down, select Fellowship Events.

Within this page, you can search RSA Events by Topic, Region or Country.

How can I keep up to date with Projects and monitor the comments?

To do this, click on the Areas of Work tab on the RSA Website.

Select an area of interest:

When you have found your project, click on the link. This will take you to the project page. On this page click on the following:

When you have saved it the image will change to: 

This will then save to the “MY RSA” page where you are able to access this without having to navigate through the project pages by clicking on ‘MY FAVOURITES

How do I find a Fellow and add them to my favourites?

You can search for Fellows according to skills, interests and location and send an online private message if they have switched their contact form on. You must be logged in to use this facility.

To find a Fellow, go to the “FELLOWSHIP” page and select “FIND A FELLOW”.

You are then able to find a Fellow by filtering specific fields. You can filter by name, country, region, and town. If you require a specific skills or a specific interest then you should click on the link. You can then save this by clicking:

When you have saved it the image will change to:

How do I find a Fellow?

You can search for Fellows according to skills, interests and location and send an online private message if they have switched their contact form on. You must be logged in to use this facility.

To find a Fellow, go to the RSA Homepage and select “FIND A FELLOW”.

To find a Fellow, go to the  RSA Homepage and select “FIND A FELLOW”.

You are able to find a Fellow by filtering specific fields. You can filter by name, country, region, and town.

If you require a specific skills or interests then you should click on the link.

You can add as many skills or interests as you would. Remember this will search for all Fellows who share these same interests. When you are done you should click the “SEARCH” button.

How do I connect with a Fellow?

You connect with a Fellow by viewing their profile. You will then see a dialog box where you can send a message. Please respect the guidelines for contacting other Fellows.

How will I know if a Fellow has contacted me?

You will receive a message in your inbox with the message content from the Fellow.

NB. The contact facility allows you to make initial contact with a Fellow and no history is recorded in your profile on the website.

Can I reply directly back if a Fellow has contacted me?

No. History is not recorded in your profile on the website. The contact facility on the website allows you to make contact with a Fellow, its purpose is not to serve as a ‘mailer’. If you want the Fellow to contact you directly you should include any relevant contact details. The message is only sent to their inbox.

Where can I recommend or nominate someone to become a Fellow?

On the RSA website, click on the Join & Support tab.

Within the drop down under Your Fellowship, click on the Nominate Someone.

Within this, you can fill in the details of the person you are looking to nominate. Please include your details followed by their details and a statement of support to back up the nomination.

Once you have filled in each of the stages, click 'submit nomination'.

My Fellowship period is incorrect

The commencement of your Fellowship will show from the time of either your current or continuous (no lapses) application. Therefore if there has been a lapse for whatever reason, the commencement date will start on the ‘re-join’ date. We are aware of this slight technical problem and we will be looking to fix this sometime in the near future so that it shows a true reflection of your time as a Fellow at the RSA.