2022 Bicentenary Medal Address - RSA

2022 Bicentenary Medal Event

Public talks

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Online via Zoom

  • Design
  • Manufacturing
  • Social innovation

Biologist, author and innovation consultant Janine Benyus receives the 2022 RSA Bicentenary Medal for “outstanding contribution to regenerative design”. 

Janine Benyus is a pioneer and champion of biomimicry – innovation inspired by nature. An educator and adviser to industry and innovators worldwide, she encourages designers to approach each new challenge with the question: “what would nature do?”  

As she accepts the 2022 RSA Bicentenary Medal award, at a time when existing economic and social systems are ripe for re-design, Janine urges us to look to nature’s genius - evolved and adapted through 3.8 billion years of R&D - for the solutions that will help guide us to more resilient, rebalanced and regenerative futures, for people, place and planet. 

Find out more about the RSA Bicentenary Medal and the RSA Design for Life mission.

*Please note this event is online only via Zoom - please register for a ticket to access this event*

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