Fellowship Events
Public talks
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27 Nov 2014
In this year’s annual RDI address, Alex McDowell describes his work on the Rilao Project, a fictional city and narrative laboratory that allows us to imagine an alternative trajectory of social, political and technological development.
Eric Schlosser is an investigative journalist and author of Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Incident and the Illusion of Safety
07 Oct 2014
In the 2014 RSA Chairman’s Lecture, Sir Martin Davidson, CEO of the British Council, asks whether creativity offers the UK a way ahead in an increasingly dangerous international environment.
18 Sep 2014
Professor of places and city planning Peter Wynne Rees describes the vision and strategy which transformed the City of London and considers how we reconcile the demands of the property industry with a range of issues in the public interest.
26 Jun 2014
Lord Smith is outgoing Chair of the Environment Agency
08 Feb 2012
This film came second in the RSA / Nominet Trust Film Competition Award 2012. It was from this competition that the RSA Shorts series was born.
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