RSA Student Design Award 2023-24 winner: Centenary celebrations brief - RSA

Student Design Awards winners: Centenary celebrations

Brief 6: How might we celebrate and bring to life 100 years of the RSA Student Design Awards?

Winner: Student Design Awards Through The Centuries

The journey of the Student Design Awards told through graphic shapes, distinctive colour and striking form

Student Design Awards Through the Centuries is a bold animation that celebrates the rich narrative of 100 years of RSA Student Design Awards. Visual shapes build over time to reveal successful award case studies and create a sense of excitement for what could be achieved looking ahead to the next 100 years.

Teo Hennessy
Limerick School of Art and Design, Ireland

Winner of £2,000 Centenary celebrations Award

Teo Hennessy on LinkedIn

Winner: From The Ground Up

A multimedia animation that showcases the innovation of previous Student Design Award winners as individual artworks within the walls of the iconic RSA house in London.

From The Ground Up is a striking animation that shows case studies of award winners as physically part of the RSA. The animation not only celebrates the lasting impact of award making, but also the uniqueness and creativity of these innovators – no two artworks are the same. 

Rachel Cartledge
Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland

Winner of £500 Anjool Maldé Centenary Design Award

Website | Instagram

Commended entries

Highly commended

Miriam Hurley, Technological University Dublin, Ireland

Trailblazers to Future Shapers: An illustrative animation that immerses viewers in a journey of the evolution of the Student Design Awards, and aims to inspire specifically young audiences to explore their potential impact as future innovators.

Watch ‘Trailblazers to Future Shapers


Sophie Pierce, Technological University Dublin, Ireland

 A History of Making a Mark

A rich mark-making charcoal animation revealing the legacy of the RSA Student Design Awards and the impact that it continues to have on society.

Watch ‘A History of Making a Mark


Abbie Smith and Frankie Harrison, Northumbria University, England

It All Starts on Paper: A risograph style animation exploring the history of the Student Design Awards through print and paper - where all design begins.

Watch ‘It All Starts on Paper


Ying Qi Tang, Technological University Dublin, Ireland

 Student Design Awards Scrapbook: A distinctive illustrative animation celebrating the centenary of the Student Design Awards through a universal format of scrapbooking.

Watch 'Student Design Awards Scrapbook'

In partnership:

We are very grateful to our partners the Marketing Trust and the Anjool Malde Trust for supporting and celebrating the animators of the future who brought to life the rich history of the RSA’s Student Design Awards. It’s great to see the level of creative talent displayed

Head of Innovation & Change, RSA Anna Markland