Preventing School Exclusions: An external evaluation of the RSA's Intervention - RSA report - RSA

An external evaluation of Preventing School Exclusions


  • Education and learning

Our Preventing School Exclusions project ran between 2021-2024 in three English local authorities. It aimed to set up and facilitate multi-agency ‘Collaboratives’ to design new ways of local working that better match services to children’s needs and thereby contribute to reducing preventable school exclusions.

We commissioned this independent process and outcomes evaluation to run alongside the project and to address the following evaluation question: How and to what extent has the Preventing School Inclusions project contributed to improved multi-agency working in the Collaboratives and their localities? This report presents the evaluation’s findings at the end of the programme, based upon the programme’s Theory of Change.

Download the Preventing School Exclusions: An External Evaluation of the RSA's Intervention (5MB).

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