Meeting as equals - RSA

Meeting as equals: creating asset-based charities which have real impact


  • Community and place-based action
  • Diversity and inclusion

Charities are moving from the era of scale to the era of impact.

It's time for charities to focus on 'asset-based thinking': shifting from what's wrong to what's strong, focusing on the capacities, skills and assets of people and communities.

This means seeing the whole person, and what they could be capable of. This means making decisions together. This means meeting them as equals.

Meeting as equals includes examples of charities making this happen, and a guide to the steps you can take to make your charity asset-based. 

Download Meeting as equals (pdf, 1 MB)

Produced in partnership with NCVO

Watch the launch event

pdf 1 MB


Picture of Alex Fox FRSA
Alex Fox FRSA

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