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20 Jul 2016
Benedict Dellot
A new book by Don and Alex Tapscott argues that blockchain could help shake up the sharing economy, push out middlemen, and make micro-entrepreneurs out of all of us. Benedict Dellot explores.
04 May 2016
A new book by Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams calls for mass automation and the end of work. But is this a time-wasting thought exercise?
20 Apr 2016
From telecoms and retail through to airlines and accountancy, oligopolies are taking root in all corners of our economy. Isn't time we started paying attention?
13 Apr 2016
Brhmie Balaram
Gig work in the sharing economy is on the rise. Brhmie Balaram offers a guide to the debate about whether this trend is something we should be excited by or alarmed about.
21 Mar 2016
Hidden away in the Budget Red Book were several announcements to satisfy the self-employed
19 Feb 2016
Mark Pallis
Mark Pallis highlights the parallels between the RSA's Self-Employment Charter and this week's publication of the Deane Review.
18 Feb 2016
The Deane Review was our best shot in years to change the landscape of government support for the self-employed. But has the opportunity been squandered?
05 Jan 2016
This question has been at the center of the RSA’s research into Self-Employment for the past two years
12 Nov 2015
Brhmie Balaram introduces the RSA's upcoming exploration of the sharing economy.
08 Oct 2015
Read our open letter to Julie Deane, who chairs the government’s review into Self-Employment, and find out how you can make your views heard.
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