Public Talks
Fellowship Events
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Showing 281 to 10 of 346 results
05 Jan 2016
Natalie Nicholles
Aakash Khanna, a 19-year old man living in Uttar Pradesh, India, talks about how men need to rethink how they view and treat women.
Fellowship news
21 Dec 2015
Catherine Shovlin FRSA, founder of Bold Vision - a community charity based in SE London – is working with a Syrian refugee camp to tackle the community based issues they face.
15 Dec 2015
Jonathan Rowson
Wait, did that really happen? Did almost 200 countries, rich and poor, big and small, agree on something important?
14 Dec 2015
Rebecca Roberts
Rebecca Roberts FRSA is involved with how restaurant-cum-workshop spaces can change the way we interact and think about sustainable food.
11 Dec 2015
Adanna Shallowe
As COP21 draws to a close in Paris, Adanna Shallowe talks about climate change from the point of view of small island states.
08 Dec 2015
Regardless of where you are in the world, the RSA's Fellowship network is an amazing movement for social change. Adanna Shallowe, RSA Global Manager reports on her recent visit to the inaugural meeting of Canadian Fellows in Toronto.
The EthicMark® Awards, founded in 2004 by futurist Hazel Henderson FRSA, honour advertising and media campaigns that “uplift the human spirit and society.” Here are their 2015 winners.
07 Dec 2015
Akaash Maharaj
Akaash Maharaj FRSA on NATO and the Judgement of Paris
04 Dec 2015
Congratulations to TED founder, Chris Anderson on receiving the RSA's Benjamin Franklin Medal.
03 Dec 2015
An Update from the Desolenator Team! Desolenator is the game-changing social enterprise that is helping to solve the water crisis that wants to hear from you! They are inviting RSA Fellows to participate in a short survey on their design.
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