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18 May 2016
Edwina Grosvenor
As new reforms are announced for prisons, Lady Edwina Grosvenor discusses an existing prison project that dared to be different.
Press release
17 May 2016
Prison reform measures to be announced in the Queen’s Speech today (18 May 2016) provide an opportunity to place rehabilitation and community engagement squarely at the heart of the prison service, according to a paper published by the RSA and Transitions Spaces.
The Future Prison project will set out a blueprint for a future prison that places the challenge of rehabilitation centre stage and provide recommendations for government that will enable it to flourish in the short- and long-term.
17 Feb 2016
Rachel O'Brien
Rachel O’Brien explores why now might be the right time to explore new, devolved forms of prison governance.
05 Jun 2013
This new report argues that prisons will continue to struggle to rehabilitate offenders unless they are able to develop stronger, more positive links with their communities and economies.
01 Nov 2011
The government's proposals for working prisons risk becoming a good idea turned bad. Our pamphlet, RSA Transitions, is published at the start of the bidding process for new contracts worth £2.5 billion for running nine UK prisons.
29 Dec 2010
The Learning Prison suggests key principles for reform, central to which is that of seeing prisons as a core public service that bene!ts us all through rehabilitation as well as incarceration.
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