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30 Mar 2017
Adanna Shallowe
RSA Global launches its discussion paper today which explores how think tanks support social change and how they must be fit for purpose to enable progress in their local context.
14 Mar 2017
Adanna Shallowe, RSA Global Manager, ponders on the upcoming Dutch Elections in light of recent events - Brexit, the Trump Administration and the state of western democracies.
08 Mar 2017
Natalie Nicholles
Unconscious bias allows inequality to persist. We must counteract it, argues Natalie Nicholles.
Nadia Nagamootoo
Nadia Nagamootoo FRSA and Director at Avenir Consulting comments on the gender problem as part of International Women's Day.
01 Mar 2017
John Minto
John Minto, RSA Connector based in Nigeria writes about 21st Century Enlightenment and Ageing populations in Sub Saharan Africa.
27 Feb 2017
We are living in an age of anger: from American 'shooters' and ISIS to Trump, from a rise in vengeful nationalism across the world to racism and misogyny on social media. Pankaj Mishra discusses how and why we got to this point.
Fellowship news
23 Feb 2017
A US based Fellow has recently been awarded with a prestigious honour for his ground breaking cancer research.
17 Feb 2017
Doreen Toutikian, RSA Connector, Beirut is inviting all Fellows to submit proposals to participate in the upcoming Conference on Critical Design
08 Feb 2017
Tania Coke
Tania Coke describes a cultural exchange project between students in Japan and the RSA Whitley Academy
06 Feb 2017
Leyla Hussein
To mark International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, FGM survivor and campaigner Leyla Hussein explores the practice’s motivation and consequences, and what action can be taken to end it.
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