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17 Jun 2020
Emma Morgante
Winners of an RSA grant to deal with the impact of Covid-19 on the world of work.
15 Jun 2020
Mark Swift
The voluntary sector has stepped up and worked together during the crisis. For the challenges ahead, it needs to make decision making more democratic.
12 Jun 2020
Andrew Pakes FRSA
We need modernised unions to create a future of ‘good work’.
11 Jun 2020
Becca Antink
Whose history, whose voice, is centred and valued? And whose isn’t?
Anouk Ruhaak
How can the public take control over the vast amounts of data being produced about us? Data trusts can be the trade unions of the data economy.
09 Jun 2020
Alan Lockey Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Alongside the moral urgency of the pandemic, the challenges of growing economic insecurity and labour market transforming technologies require a new social contract for work.
Matthew Taylor
What does the pandemic mean for good work? So far, so good.
Tom Kenyon
An increase in unemployment will make gaining new skills more important than ever. To make re-skilling work during social distancing, we’ll need to learn to recognise learning wherever it happens.
05 Jun 2020
Laura Partridge
In our poll, criticism of the government’s approach was stronger among Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic participants and people from the poorest backgrounds.
04 Jun 2020
Hannah Breeze
Trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers have been severely affected by Covid-19 disruption. But with the right support, the crisis can be an opportunity to build resilience and creativity.
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