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20 Jan 2015
Jonathan Rowson
Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious - Peter Ustinov
19 Jan 2015
Anthony Painter
Looking at the various election predications in terms of seats, it is entirely possible that no party will be able secure a decent majority - even in Coalition.
Alexandra Barker
Imagine a world where we don’t throw anything away. Everything is reused, composted or recycled and people living on the same street work together and share resources.
Richard Pickford
At the RSA, we always set out to engage, connect and inspire Fellows across the UK and now we will be using a new event format to boost this.
18 Jan 2015
Joe Hallgarten
Late last year, the US-based Roosevelt Institute asked the RSA to write a policy memo to support its Next American Economy project.
16 Jan 2015
Matthew Taylor
Elections should be about which political party is offering the best plan for Britain. The truth is more complex and less edifying.
Amanda Kanojia
I was in Paris last weekend – a very pleasant thing to do.
Benedict Dellot
Have you ever heard of Pascal Gielen?
15 Jan 2015
Selina Nwulu
As part of RSA Investigate-Ed, a series of short investigations on key education issues, RSA Education are undertaking a research project on the role of supplementary schools.
Mark Newman
Public Health England have published the latest statistics for HIV infection in the UK.
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