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22 Oct 2020
Ian Burbidge Will Grimond
Covid shows us how our health and the economy are linked. Politics has been slow to catch up on the connection.
20 Oct 2020
Georgina Chatfield
Do they really benefit young people?
19 Oct 2020
Anthony Painter
The way populists govern cannot deal with a problem like Covid.
16 Oct 2020
Emma Morgante
Support for young people should be at the heart of policies to protect workers at risk from Covid-19 and automation.
14 Oct 2020
Hannah Webster
How our local heritage can create a better future.
12 Oct 2020
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Fabian Wallace-Stephens sets out key findings and recommendations from our report on how the dual impacts of Covid-19 and technological change and could reshape the labour market.
06 Oct 2020
Mark Swift Simon Constable
Community-centred approaches can improve health outcomes.
05 Oct 2020
Laura Partridge
Reflecting, thinking long-term, and fixing what’s wrong with our schools.
30 Sep 2020
Matthew Taylor Anthony Painter
Instead of hoping for national politicians to solve our hardest problems, we need to ask them for the final pieces of a puzzle we have started to solve together.
01 Sep 2020
Natalie Ortiz
We have launched our 2020-21 design briefs! Eight real-world challenges rooted in big societal problems, open to higher education students and recent graduates around the world.
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