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10 Dec 2015
Julian Baggini
Losing our heritage is never easy, but letting go can herald surprising new beginnings, says Julian Baggini.
Jonathan Rowson
Humans do things differently as a result of knowing why they are doing them or being asked to do them – Jonathan Rowson reflects on the reflexivity of behaviour.
Tom Gilliford
Tom Gilliford talks about the Global Education Leaders Programme and the exciting things happening in the New Zealand education system.
09 Dec 2015
Eve Watson
A pioneering approach to public art (230 years ago) - the James Barry Murals at the RSA and the book revealing their secrets.
08 Dec 2015
Adanna Shallowe
Regardless of where you are in the world, the RSA's Fellowship network is an amazing movement for social change. Adanna Shallowe, RSA Global Manager reports on her recent visit to the inaugural meeting of Canadian Fellows in Toronto.
Ross SMith
As we approach the holiday season and a new calendar year, humanity is being challenged in unique and unheralded ways. Ross Smith FRSA explores how and why need to reflect on our capacity for empathy.
Andrew Park
Andrew Park, illustrator of the renowned RSA Animates, talks about the development of the series and his relationship with the RSA.
Louise Drake
Louise Drake invites us into the world of the ASEAN Impact Challenge in Malaysia. Honoured to be there as finalist judge she had the opportunity to experience The Power to Create in Action.
07 Dec 2015
Alison Critchley
When it came to deciding the theme for this year's annual Warwick University/ RSA Academies debate there was only one topic: concerns about a growing teacher shortage. An expert panel convened at the RSA to give their perspectives on the causes of and solutions to the teacher shortage - this is what they said.
04 Dec 2015
Natalie Nicholles
Congratulations to TED founder, Chris Anderson on receiving the RSA's Benjamin Franklin Medal.
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